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Twin-screw pumps

Twin-screw pumps

CHEMSPIN pumps set new standards, and are first choice in many industrial sectors.

Discover our seven convincing arguments for CHEMSPIN twin-screw pumps from Jung Process Systems. As multi-talents they convince with unique flexibility as well as safe and economic 24/7 operation.

Here, we show you why these pumps will also be first choice for you.

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Herausforderung: Entgasen von Säften mit Fasern und Pulpen in der Getränkeindustrie

Henning Grönwoldt-Hesse

1. Pumps with unique flexibility

Flexibility is an outstanding feature of the CHEMSPIN. It is considerably higher than with centrifugal, side channel, or other displacement pump types, and can therefore cover the applications of a whole range of side channel pumps. In addition to the question of flow quantity comes that of viscosity. Consequently, the CHEMSPIN is predestined for applications with different pumping characteristics and complex controls. Compared with other pumps, advantages also result with low volume flows. Cavitation risk does not increase, and metal contact between the pumping elements is prevented reliably.

2. Safe operation

CHEMSPIN twin-screw pumps work contact-free. With a suitable shaft seal, they are also dry-run safe. Moreover, the balanced rotors are featured by very low vibration and noise levels.

3. Low cavitation risk

The CHEMSPIN exhibits very low NSPH values. This applies for the full operating range, also for operating points close to zero throughput. Increasing pump speeds and viscosities only have a limited effect. In this respect, CHEMSPIN pumps are far less sensitive than other pump types.

With the CHEMSPIN ES, the lengthened screws also overcome chamber inflow losses. They act like the inducer in centrifugal pumps.

4. High wear resistance, no introduction of abraded particles into the product

The pumping components work contact-free. Therefore, there is no design-related continuous wear of these components.   An introduction of abraded particles into the product is prevented.  In combination with hardened pumping components, also abrasive media can be conveyed. This leads to high availability and long service lives of the pump.

5. Complete emptying

Most CHEMSPIN pumps can be emptied completely via the inlet or output coupling. Moreover, the design has no dead spaces.  This prevents contamination of different batches. Consequently, the pumps are excellently suited for processes with frequent batch changes.

The pumping components work contact-free. No abraded particles are introduced into the product. With corresponding shaft seals, the pump is dry-run safe. In combination with hardened pumping components, also very abrasive media can be conveyed. This leads to high availability and long service lives of the pumps.

6. Self-priming, able to handle entrained gas

When filled with liquid, CHEMSPIN twin-screw pumps are self-priming. Suction heights up to 9 m are possible. Characteristics correspond to those of side channel pumps. Like these, CHEMSPIN pumps can also convey gas contents of up to 60 %. They are therefore particularly suited for filling & emptying trucks and fuel tank trucks.

7. Corrosion-free & service-friendly design

CHEMSPIN are made of stainless steel 1.4404 or even higher-grade materials, and are therefore free of corrosion. No grey cast iron components are used. Moreover, CHEMSPIN pumps are particularly service-friendly. Guide pins simplify assembly of the housing parts. Via an inspection opening, flank clearance of the feed screws can be checked directly, without having to disassemble the motor and gearbox housing.

HYGHSPIN twin-screw pumps – Hygienic pumps for the food & beverage, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries

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