If you are looking for innovative solutions, there is no alternative to Jung Process Systems.
The location of Jung Process Systems GmbH in Kummerfeld near Pinneberg can be reached easily and quickly with all means of transport.
Coming by car:
Our location is not far away from the north/south axis of the A7 and the Elbe Tunnel, close to the Autobahn A23 (Exit 16, Pinneberg-Nord, coming from the south, or Exit 15, Tornesch, coming from the north). When coming by car, the excerpt from Google Maps shown below provides a good orientation.
Coming by air:
From the Hamburg airport, you need about half an hour by car to reach Auweg 2 in Kummerfeld.
Using public transport:
Use commuter train S3 or regional train 61 to Pinneberg station. You then take the bus line 185 to the bus stop 'Kummerfeld Gemeindehaus'. From there, it is just a few minutes walk to Auweg 2.
Welcome to Jung Process Systems.